Administrative Detainees
Child prisoners
Female prisoners
Total Number of Political Prisoners

Annual Violations Report 2019

The year 2019 witnessed grave violations of Palestinian human rights as various Israeli state branches worked comprehensively to further integrate the occupation’s apartheid policies against the Palestinian people.

This report archives the accounts and details of Israeli violations against the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, as well as consistently documents the incarceration conditions in Israeli prisons.


Addameer Annual Report 2019

In this report, Addameer presents its activities during 2019 and analyzes and evaluates the goals and outcomes established for each unit for the year. This report will also present the difficulties and obstacles Addameer faced during 2019, while discussing measures taken or to be taken to remedy issues and to avoid similar obstacles in the future.

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Monthly Newsletter- January 2021

The prolonged Israeli occupation as an apartheid regime is a menace to the Palestinian people's integral rights to life and dignity. This apartheid apparatus continues to commit crimes for the sole purpose of delegitimizing, oppressing, gaining, and maintaining control over Palestinians. The Israeli Occupation Forces never stopped resorting to torture as the standard operating procedure in extracting confessions from Palestinian detainees, including women, children, university students, human rights defenders, and political leaders.

UN Experts Urge Israel to Ensure Accountability for Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

On 8 January 2021, United Nations (UN) Human Rights experts: Mr. Nils Melzer, Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; Mr. S. Michael Lynk, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967; and the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, issued a public statement urging Israel to ensure accountability for torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment universally prohibited under international law.

Addameer Condemns the Israeli Attorney General's Decision to Close the Investigation against the Shabak for Committing Torture against Samer Arbeed

Today, 24 January 2021, the Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit closed the investigations against the Shabak (Israeli Security Agency) for the circumstances leading to prisoner Samer Arbeed's hospitalization as he was subjected to extreme torture techniques during interrogation that almost killed him. Rather than pressing a list of charges against the perpetrators of such a heinous crime, the Israeli Attorney General decides that "there are no grounds to prove that the crime of torture has been committed.”


Sde Teiman military camp

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