1. Hold a sign saying “I’m a Human Rights Defender, #NotATarget” and share it on social media (twitter and facebook) to raise awareness.

2. Organize a protest, demonstration, speaking event or banner drop in your city (using the suggested hashtag), community or campus calling for the protection/immediate release of Palestinian Human Rights Defenders.

3. If you are from Europe, write to your elected officials and EU delegates on protecting Palestinian Human Rights Defenders in accordance with the European Union Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders.

4. Write to Israeli officials (addresses provided upon request) or to you local MPs to demand protection for Palestinian human rights defenders. release. Write a message and email or fax it to the officials below. Contact information and sample letter follow:


Sample Letter:

Dear Minister/Representative:

I write today to demand protection and immediate release of human rights defender ___________ in the occupied Palestinian territory, who has faced various types of harassment and rights violations by the occupation forces, irrespective of the protection afforded in international conventions, and particularly the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, and the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

I ask you to release ________, who is not a legitimate target and should not be punished for documenting and exposing human rights violations. I further ask you to halt all persecution of Human Rights Defenders for their legitimate work in protecting human rights.
