The occupation forces have arrested the lawyer Mohammad Alayan, who is the father of Bahaa Elayan, a 22-year-old Palestinian from Jabal Al-Mukabber in Jerusalem that was killed by Israeli occupation forces in Jerusalem on 13 October 2015. Mr. Alayan was arrested early in the afternoon in East Jerusalem, after which he was taken to Al-Maskobiyeh interrogation centre. The interrogation has lasted for several hours and his detention has been extended by the intelligence for an additional 24 hours. Mr. Alayan will be brought in front of a court tomorrow (28/06/2016), in Jerusalem. Addameer’s attorney in Jerusalem, Mohammed Mahmoud, said that Mr. Alayan has been accused of involvement with an illegal organization. Addameer condemns the detention of Mr. Alayan and believes that he is being persecuted due to the work he has been doing regarding the return of the bodies of extrajudicially executed Palestinians, including the body of his son Baha’a.