Political prisoners represent a category and phenomenon of individuals subject to incarceration due to their dissent to state—or occupying—powers. Thus, the phenomenon is global and transnational, and though differences abound in socio-political contexts, oppressive structures, and/or degree and scope of repression, prisons continue to be a primary site of violence inflicted by state (or occupying) powers to extend control over populations and repress acts of resistance.
This booklet seeks to highlight the phenomenon of political prisoners in three national contexts: Palestine, Colombia, and Spain. More broadly, the booklet aims to become a tool between countries to bring civilians together with regards to politically motivated incarceration, torture and ill-treatment, the criminalization of political dissent, hacking fair trial guarantees, among other prisoners’ and human rights violations, and, most importantly, the acute human costs born by political prisoners and their families.
To this end, different political prisoners’ cases from each country is presented in accordance to different categories: (i) present and (ii) past cases, (iii) social and cultural workers, (iv) human rights defenders, (v) political leaders, and (vi) family members of political prisoners. Yet, prior to setting points of comparison, the booklet will begin with the political, social, and economic situation of each country, noting differences in context, degrees of severity, and their consequences.