On 4 August 2022, Ofer military court of appeal rejected human rights defender and lawyer Salah Hammouri’s administrative detention order appeal, alleging that he continues to pose a “security threat” in the region. The military appeal judge approved the confirmation of Salah's administrative detention renewal without charge or trial for three additional months, which is expected to end on 5 September 2022 but is still up for indefinite renewal.
On 14 July 2022, Salah Hammouri addressed French President Emmanuel Macron with an open letter, calling for immediate serious action against his continued persecution and harassment by the Israeli occupation authorities, emphasizing France’s obligations towards its citizens. The week after, on 21 July 2022, at 12:30 am, Salah’s cell in Ofer prison was raided by the Israeli Prison Services, who heavily searched the cell and ransacked it. The same day Salah was punitively re-classified as a “sagav” prisoner, which means a prisoner with a high degree of danger; this entails excessive restrictions on him as a detainee, including the use of cuffs on his hands and feet every time he is transferred or moves outside of his cell.
Following Salah’s punitive re-classification, he was transferred from Ofer prison to Hadarim prison through Bosta,[1] on 27 July 2022, around 12:30 am. Due to his new classification as a “high-security danger,” during his transfer, Salah was cuffed with two metal cuffs on his hands, two metal cuffs on his feet, and one long metal cuff that connected the cuffs on his hands with the ones on his feet. Salah’s transfer was around five hours and a half in cuffs. The shackles on his hands and feet were tight, which made his movement very difficult and limited, and above that, he was made to carry his belongings on his own while in this situation.
Salah Hammouri is currently arbitrarily detained in Hadarim Israeli high-security prison. It is considered to be a collective isolation prison in which two detainees/prisoners are held in each cell. This arbitrary classification and transfer are yet another measure of persecution against Salah Hammouri and against any Palestinian political prisoner who tries to get their voices heard.
[1] “Bosta” transfers are described by Palestinians as a brutal trip in hell. The prisoners and detainees are subject to extensive, repeated dehumanizing searches before each stop. “Bosta” is a vehicle cell made out of metal with narrow double seats and disproportionate measurements, forcing prisoners into an angled seating position for lack of appropriate space. Palestinian prisoners and detainees face degrading conditions during transport, as well as, physical strain. The van has an air condition that is extremely cold and no ventilation. A trip could take up to 10-15 hours in that position.